Tips of the Day

So you have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, taking your T4 or T3 replacement and still not feeling your best. Having Hypothyroidism has found me searching for new tricks to help alievate my symptoms. Some of these are just by accident but what a difference it has made to my quality of living.

Constipation ~

2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered local honey, in the evening one time daily. Begins working within 3 days and everyday thereafter. Forget the honey and your system returns to previous state. I do not know why this works but the result from the metabolism of the sugars in the intestional track is regular bowel movements.

Hair Loss ~

Evening Primrose Oil with Vitamin E 1000 mg daily (Nature Made). My hair stopped falling out within 2 days, it is softer instead of straw like, and does not knot as before. Also helps to alievate PMS symptoms and perimenopause symptoms.

Dry Skin ~

Pure Olive Oil applied daily following your shower. Organic Cranberry Essential Oil is also used for dry skin.

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